Business whenknown printer aretook galley of type off and scrambled make type specimen book. Far away behind the mountains far from as the countries there live the blind texts.Business whenknown printer a aretook galley of type off and scrambled make type specimen book. Far away behind the mountains far from the countries there live the blind texts. Business whenknown printer aretook galley of type off and the scrambled make type specimen book. Far away behind the mountains far from the countries there live the blind texts.
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Investment Planning Working with thousands of business companies around the world for Ideas Dorem ipsum

Investment Planning Working with thousands of business companies around the world for Ideas Dorem ipsum

Investment Planning Working with thousands of business companies around the world for Ideas Dorem ipsum

Investment Planning Working with thousands of business companies around the world for Ideas Dorem ipsum

Investment Planning Working with thousands of business companies around the world for Ideas Dorem ipsum
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Our Business Growth Dorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the
Our Business Growth
Our Business Growth Dorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the
Our Business Growth
Our Business Growth Dorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the
Our Business Growth
Our Business Growth Dorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the
Our Business Growth
Our Business Growth Dorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the

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I used the Tobii device for developing an interface for our CAD program called ÇİZEN. Thanks to the device, I obtained the necessary data to develop a user-oriented interface.

Gül Çiçek Zengin
Tobii göz takip sistemlerini ve GSR cihazını akademik/test araştırmalarında aktif olarak kullanıyorum.

Nilgün Özdamar
“Disiplinlerarası bir yaklaşım ile yoğunlaştığımız bilimsel araştırmalar dahilinde, İletişim Fakültesi bünyesinde medya ve iletişim çalışmaları kapsamlarına odaklanmak amacıyla İleri Medya Teknolojileri Laboratuvarımızı (AMT-LAB) kurduk. Bu süreçte, Bilten’den tedarik ettiğimizTobii Pro Eye Tracker Glasses 2 ve

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Göz Hareketi Takibi ile Yolları ve
Göz Hareketi Takibi ile Yolları ve Gökyüzünü Daha Güvenli Hale Getirmek Tobii, geçtiğimiz aylarda, sürücü ve pilot güvenliği üzerine odaklanan
Göz Takibi Beyin Kaynaklı Rahatsızlıklıkları Tespit
Göz Takibi Beyin Kaynaklı Rahatsızlıklıkları Tespit Etmeye Nasıl Yardımcı Olabilir? Gözler ve beyin arasındaki bağlantı, birçok kişinin fark ettiğinden daha